Tuesday 8 August 2017

The Dominican Blessing

It's the feast of our Holy Father Saint Dominic de Guzman again! I was at the Santo Domingo Parish- National Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, La Naval de Manila earlier for the Eucharistic celebration.

I took this picture of Saint Dominic, which I found at the
Basilica of Holy Trinity in Kraków, Poland.
It is a church and monastery of the Dominican Order. 
One of the things I learned from formation, and which I truly treasure, is the 13th century-Dominican Blessing or prayer below:

May God the Father bless us.
May God the Son heal us.
May God the Holy Spirit enlighten us,
and give us
eyes to see with,
ears to hear with,
hands to do the work of God with,
feet to walk with,
a mouth to preach
the word of salvation with,
and the angel of peace 
to watch over us 
and lead us at last, by our Lord’s gift, 
to the Kingdom. Amen.

I absolutely love it when some members of our chapter, the Our Lady of La Naval Lay Dominican Fraternity, (which meets monthly at the Santo Domingo convent) sing it during our monthly meetings. It was of course sung after the Mass earlier. 

Below is a video by the students of the Saint Dominic Priory in St. Louis, Missouri who sang it so beautifully. (In the future I hope to record one with our chapter members singing.)

Happy feast day, Saint Dominic! And to my Dominican family across the globe!

O most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - La Naval de Manila, pray for us.
Saint Dominic de Guzman, pray for us.
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.
Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
All you Dominican Saints, pray for us.