Monday 17 August 2015

The Sorrowful Mysteries: Biblical References

Lay Dominican Novitiate/ O.P. Notes

The Rosary of the Virgin Mary, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a prayer loved by countless Saints and encouraged by the Magisterium. Simple yet profound, it remains, at the dawn of this third millennium, a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness. it blends easily into the spiritual journey o the Christian life, which, after two thousand years, has lost none of the freshness of its beginnings and feels drawn by the Spirit of God to "Set out onto the deep" (duc in altum!) in order  once more to proclaim, and even cry out, before the world that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour, "the way, and the truth and the life" (John 14:6), "the goal of human history and the point on which the desires of history and civilization turn". ~Saint John Paul II, in his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae.

The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary: