Monday 13 October 2014

Peregrinação ao Santuário de Fátima : O Milagre do Sol

Today, October 13, marks the 97th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun which occurred in Cova da Iria near Fátima, Portugal in 1917, as promised by Our Lady of the Rosary to Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco Marto, and Sister Lúcia de Jesus dos Santos.  The event lasted about ten minutes, and was witnessed by 100,000 people. 

One of my favorite dramatizations about the apparitions in Fátima is The 13th Day, a movie that was based on the accounts of Sister Lucia.  I've seen it several times, and the story of the three seers still moves me; and I get a different inspiration and realization every time I watch it.

The first time I heard about the miracle, I prayed to be able to one day visit the pilgrimage site. And God did not disappoint. In His perfect time, He allowed me to visit Fátima.

The procession of the image of Our Lady of Fátima
before the Eucharistic Celebration (08.13.2011)

Below is a reflection I wrote three years ago, after that blessed visit to that sacred place:

A Visit to Our Lady of the Rosary 

What draws man to run to God? What makes him walk on his knees to plead for His mercy and goodness? What makes him surrender his entire life, hopes and dreams to Someone whom he has never seen? These questions suddenly flood my head as I arrive at Fátima , Portugal , seeing people both young and old, walking on their knees, deep in prayer. 

We arrived on a chilly Saturday morning in Fatima
You get that feeling of a warm welcome once you reach the square in front of the imposing Basilica, in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary. Being a Saturday, and the 13th of the month as well, I knew that more people were coming that day. It was summer and yet it was unexpectedly cold when we arrived; and though we were all shivering, I felt soothing warmth deep within me. It was almost like coming home into the arms of a loved one I have not seen in years.

At first I found myself carried away by what the senses beheld. People from all walks of life were in a prayerful disposition. Conversations were almost in whispers. And the sights?! The camera could only but catch a particular frame, but it cannot really show the whole picture. I would have to rely on the gift of sharp memory to be able to always remember all that I saw and heard there. . I can still hear the echo of the bells ringing, signaling that the Eucharistic celebration was about to start. All the sounds were like music to my ears… That too, brought a sense of tranquility I cannot explain in words.

Instead of walking, pilgrims approach the
Chapel of the Apparitions on their knees
I did say my prayers of course. There were many people to pray for – family, loved ones, friends, relatives, acquaintances, people who need prayers the most, people who have no one to pray for them… and yes, even those people who wish me ill-will… who are jealous and envious of me … My enemies, if I may use that term. There were many intentions to pray about too -- mine and others’-- that needed to be brought to the foot of the Cross of Jesus through Mother Mary’s powerful intercession. It seemed that praying would never cease.

In the midst of the unavoidable little inconveniences, the language barrier, and the scorching midday heat, I asked myself those questions again. What draws man to call upon a Supreme Holy Being whom he has never seen? What moves him to tearful surrender to the Will of an omnipotent God? We all might initially answer that one prays to be relieved of the sufferings we all go through in our borrowed life here on earth. But is that what really makes us fall on our knees in supplication and trusting abandonment and surrender?

Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco's 
final resting place inside the Basilica
The Fatima message is about repentance… about choosing to walk on the straight path of righteousness… about being obedient to the precepts of the Lord Almighty… about having child-like faith in our Almighty Triune God... and about the importance and power of prayer. But being there to witness the throngs of people with eyes lifted to heaven, I realized that there is a stronger power that draws us all to call upon the Holy Name of God, through the intercession of our Virgin Queen and Lady, Mother Mary. I struggled for a little while to get satisfying answers, but even before I finished my prayers, God reminded my heart. It may sound cliché, but my one answer to my own questions is Love. God made me remember, that the one answer to all the questions I’d ever ask will always have to be Love -- holy, agape Love.

Procession towards the altar for 
the Eucharistic celebration

Saint Thèrése of Lisieux said it best; “Jesus needs neither books nor Doctors of Divinity in order to instruct souls; He, the Doctor of Doctors, He teaches without noise of words.”  So all I had to do was look deep within my heart, remember how Jesus took all my sin and shame and died for Love of me. Saint Paul ’s letter to the Romans states this: “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

The throngs of pilgrims from all over the world 
who came for the Mass

Serenity enveloped my whole being. I wanted to cry. I wanted so much for God and Mother Mary to be there physically to embrace me in their arms. I wanted to sit on God the Father’s lap and whisper into His ears all my joys and pains, my dreams, my deepest longings… He alone knows what I have been through… about the things I had to sacrifice in order to stay firm in my Catholic Faith. He alone knows me, understands me, and never ever abandons me. God alone remains faithful and true. What my physical existence cannot achieve, I knew, with His grace and love, my soul was able to transcend into. And also, I only had to look at the people all around me and remember how deeply and wonderfully loved I am – and all of us, by a merciful and generous God. We are all therefore drawn to fall into our knees in prayer not only because we need to bring our supplications to God. We are all drawn to Him because we were all created in Love. “We love, because He first loved us.” (1Saint John 4:19)

Inside the Basilica of 
Our Lady of Fatima
His Word remains true: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” (Saint Matthew 6:33)  And so I prayed while I was there in Fatima , inside the basilica that Mother Mary asked to be built. Above all the other things necessary for my existence that concern me, I prayed for spiritual gifts and nourishment… I prayed to be able to know Him more… to love Him deeply and intimately… to be strong and firm in the Faith… and to be a living witness to this hurting world.

What happens after that? Prayer draws us all closer to God, the giver of all good gifts. But most importantly, prayer allows us to know more about His will for us… His grand plans for each of us… and allows us to abandon in total surrender all that concerns our earthly existence. 

I still have temporal needs of course. I still have urgent requests that I need miracles to. And I definitely still have these deep longings in my heart that I am begging God to grant to me. The amazing thing about my visit to  Fátima is achieving a deeper knowledge and love of God. And attaining that peace which He promised and He alone can give. From a human vantage point, the future may seem bleak. But seen with eyes of faith… eyes fixed on Jesus -- I am assured of a beautiful future full of only His best gifts and overflowing with His Love!

Some of the people who 
watched the solar miracle
Victor Hugo said that “Certain thoughts are prayers.  There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees."  I left  Fátima feeling that way; and with renewed strength and a deeper faith, I pray to be able to live the  Fátima message and share them with others. Share them in ‘actions’, and use words only when necessary. I cannot take credit for anything, for all things are God’s gifts to me. I pray for His grace to be at His bidding always… and to model my life in Mother Mary’s fiat: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Saint Luke 1:38)

Santuário de Fátima

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