Tuesday 29 March 2016

In Defense of Judas

I remember as a young girl, I learned a declamation piece called "Despair of Judas", in which Judas did not have hope in the end, that's why he opted to take his own life. But as I grew older, I have come to personally believe that even Judas was redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. I personally believe that I cannot pass judgement on Judas. Only God knows whether his soul is for heaven or hell.

And then, I came across this piece by Kalookan Bishop, His Excellency Most Rev. Pablo Virgilio "Ambo" S. David, D.D. 

What a powerful message of forgiveness and mercy in this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy!

In Defense of Judas
By Bishop Ambo David
Some people forget that Judas was chosen personally by Jesus to be one of the twelve pillars of the Church! (If we can ascribe infallibility to the Pope, why not to the Son of God?) They also forget that Judas eventually repented and in fact attempted to return the money to the Chief Priests before despair pushed him to take his life, according to the Passion story of (Saint) Matthew. 

When the Gospel says "Satan had entered into Judas", they are actually being merciful. It amounts to saying that Judas was really not himself at that moment, that he was under the spell of evil when he did his act of betrayal. In fact we shouldn't forget that at the first Eucharist, Jesus broke bread and gave the first morsel to Judas! To say that that was not Eucharistic is to claim that Judas was beyond redemption! It is also to deny the power of God's mercy. Have we forgotten that the Eucharist was really for him (and for the potential Judases that we all can turn into)? 

Thus the priest says, to preface the words of consecration at Mass, that it was "on the night He was betrayed" that Jesus took bread and wine and offered them as His own Body and Blood, in anticipation of His act of self oblation on the cross on Good Friday.

The Eucharist is really about Jesus' conscious option to transform that night of betrayal into a night of forgiveness: "It will be poured out for you and for many FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS."

It was precisely at that moment that Jesus accepted the prospect of becoming the Lamb for the new Passover, by whose blood sins would be forgiven -- Judas' included.

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